This is a good Idea

I’ve been keeping a list of possible blog topics as they pop into my head. This angle struck me late last night:

Fourteen years have passed since Andy Rooney shuffled off this mortal coil, so I feel it's fair game to step in and take over where he left off with his cranky-old-man-shaking-his-fist at-the-air-type observations. Expect all the fun with half the eyebrows. 

Am I dating myself with an Andy Rooney reference? Especially an Andy Rooney bushy eyebrows reference? I most certainly am. My Taylor Swift-ian following of tweens and teenagers will have to use the worldwide internet to learn about Andy Rooney. What a treat they are in for. 

You'll be getting a lot of "back in my day," "When I was growing up," and "It seems to me"s. I'll refrain from "Have you ever noticed?"s. That belongs to Andy. And I don't want the 60 Minutes legal team coming after me. When you get to be as big as I am, there's always a target on your back.  

One big difference between him and I will be that every time I begin a sentence with "Kids these days…", it will end with "are completely fucked". 

This wasn't a proper cranky-old-man-shaking-his-fist post, but believe you me, they are a-comin'. 

Please leave any topic requests in the message board. As you can see, I need all the help I can get. 




Here we go